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The FIND-OUT project is funded by an ERC Starting Grant (ERC-STG-2022, Grant no. 101078411). It started in July 2023 and lasting for five years. In the area of wireless communications, computer science, or applied mathematics, I would be happy to meet you if you are interested in joining the research team as a Ph.D. candidate or postdoctoral fellow!


You will find on this page a short description of the project and the Call for Expression of Interest.



The integration of sensing and communication is attracting a fervent research activity and will result in a myriad of contextual data that, if properly processed, may enable a better understanding of local and global phenomena while increasing the quality, security, and efficiency of our ecosystems. The computing continuum offers a timely and unique solution for processing such a massive volume of sensed data, as it provides virtually unlimited and widely distributed computing resources.


Nevertheless, the deployment of data analysis at the edge or in the cloud has many implications regarding latency, privacy, security, and data integrity. As we learn how to sense ubiquitously and we build a tool able to handle the sensed data, the greatest challenge is to understand how and where to process them.


The purpose of this project is the development of a pioneering framework to guide the design of federated and distributed inference systems, leveraging sensing and communication and harnessing the computing continuum. The framework will build on the:

  • definition of statistical and mathematical models for the sensed data, which capture the complex and interrelated phenomena underpinning sensing and communication systems, with different levels of integration;

  • development of cloud-native inference algorithms, mainly distributed and parallelized, with scalable complexity that can be adapted to dynamic performance requirements;

  • design of orchestration strategies to guide the flexible deployment of the inference process at the edge and in the cloud with a dynamic allocation of the computing resources.

The aim is to overcome the paradigmatic accuracy-complexity trade-off that has driven distributed inference for decades, leading to a paradigm shift that encompasses multi-level performance indicators beyond accuracy, including latency, integrity, privacy, and security aspects and how these impact the confidence on the inferred phenomena.


In the framework of the FIND-OUT Project, I am launching a call for expression of interest to identify Ph.D. and postdoctoral candidates at all levels in the fields of:


  • wireless communications and sensing 

  • statistical signal processing 

  • statistical machine learning and applied mathematics

  • mobile edge computing and cloud computing



The positions will be offered within the Electronics Engineering Department of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in a dynamic and stimulating working environment, with the opportunity of collaborating with top research groups at the institute and elsewhere.

Interested candidates can write to including a CV.  

All expressions will be kept strictly confidential. Knowledge of the Italian language is not required.




Ph.D Fellowships


  • The candidate must meet the requirements for admission to the doctoral program.

  • A solid mathematical background and research-oriented master thesis in a related field (e.g., wireless communications, statistical signal processing, machine learning, applied mathematics, cloud computing) are desirable.


Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • A research fellowship of 2 years with possible renewal, depending on project and department needs at the time of offer.

  • A competitive salary, in line with European standards, commensurate to the candidate's experience and responsibilities.

  • A strong mathematical background and track record in a related field (e.g., wireless communications and sensing,  machine learning-based wireless communications, distributed clouds and edge computing, applied mathematics and statistics) are required. 

Call for Expression of Interest

About the Positions

Vista su Roma


The University of Rome  “Tor Vergata” was founded in 1982, rapidly becoming one of the most important Italian universities. Its 600-hectare campus is home to more than 40,000 students, who can choose among 120 degree programs, plus PhDs and specialization courses. The University counts 19 departments with more than 1,300 Professors and Researchers (permanent staff).


Within University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, the Department of Electronic Engineering brings together a wide range of experts in analogue and digital electronics and in different areas of Information and Communications Technology. The Department has 52 faculties.



The networking group at the Department of Electronics Engineering is composed of eight faculties, plus 4 post docs, 8 PhD students and 15 researchers and software developers hired on specific activities. In addition to scientific expertise, the group has the capability to build demonstrators and to organize workshops and conferences, and is active in the editorial and technical boards of several major journals and conferences.


The networking group is also part of CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications,, a non-profit Consortium, bringing together 38 Italian Universities to foster research activity in the field of telecommunications, and provide facilities and clustering support to the Italian academic ICT research community and includes several key laboratories (e.g., the national laboratories of Wireless Communications and of Radar and Surveillance Systems) where the research team can be admitted, spurring further opportunities for networking and collaborations.

About the Working Environment

© 2017 By Stefania Bartoletti

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