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Stefania Bartoletti received the Ph.D. degree in Engineering Science–Information Engineering and the Laurea degree (Summa Cum Laude) in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Ferrara, in 2015 and 2011, respectively.


She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, where she is also coordinating the ERC Starting Grant FIND-OUT (2023–2028).


From 2019 to 2022 she was a researcher at the Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering of the National Research Council of Italy (IEIIT-CNR).  She has been a Marie-SkÅ‚odowska Curie Global Fellow (MSCA-IF-GF, Horizon 2020) at the Wireless Information & Network Science Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Ferrara (2016–2019). She was a Visiting Ph.D. Student at the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems at MIT (2013–2014).


Her research interests include theory and experimentation of statistical signal processing for wireless communication systems, with a particular focus on sensing and localization aspects and vehicular communications.


Dr. Bartoletti was awarded an ERC starting grant (2023), the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in the field of Communication Technologies from the Italian Telecommunications and Information Theory Group (2015) and the Paul Baran Young Scholar Award of the Marconi Society (2016).


She is Associate Editor of the IEEE Communications Letters. She served as Chair of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for several IEEE ICC and Globecom Workshops. Dr. Bartoletti is currently serving as Chair of the Young Scholars and Board Member of the Marconi Society.

Stefania Bartoletti, Ph.D.
Information Engineering, Telecommunications

Wireless Communications and Localization Systems
Journal Papers
Journal Papers


[J32] A. Tarrías et Al., “Location-aware Smart Network Management in Advanced Networks: Design and Applied Proof of Concept,” IEEE Network, Oct. 2024.


[J31] S. Bartoletti et Al., “Positioning Integrity via Uncertainty Quantification,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp. 1–14, Sep. 2024


[J30] S. Bartoletti et Al., “Integration of Sensing and Localization in V2X Sidelink Communications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 185–191, Aug. 2024.


[J29] N. Decarli, S. Bartoletti, A. Bazzi, R. A. Stirling-Gallacher and B. M. Masini, “Performance Character- ization of Joint Communication and Sensing With Beyond 5G NR-V2X Sidelink,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 7, pp. 10044–10059, July 2024


[J28] I. Palamà et Al., “5G positioning with software-defined radios,” Computer Networks, vol. 250, pp. 1–13, June 2024


[J27] C. Giovannetti, N. Decarli, S. Bartoletti, R. A. Stirling-Gallacher, B. M. Masini, “Target positioning accuracy of V2X sidelink joint communication and sensing,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 849-853, March 2024


[J26] A. Bazzi, S. Bartoletti, A. Zanella, and V. Martinez, “Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11p preamble insertion in C-V2X sidelink signals for co-channel coexistence” Vehicular Communications, 45, pp. 1–12. 5, Feb. 2024


[J25] I. Palamà, S. Bartoletti, G. Bianchi, N Blefari-Melazzi, , “Experimental assessment of SDR-based 5G positioning: methodologies and insights,” Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 79, no. 5, pp. 301-313, Sep. 2023


[J24] A. Bazzi, C. Campolo, V. Todisco, S. Bartoletti, N. Decarli, A. Molinaro, “Toward 6G vehicle-to-everything sidelink: Nonorthogonal multiple access in the autonomous mode,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 50–59, June 2023.

[J23] W. Zhuofei, S. Bartoletti, V. Martinez and A. Bazzi, "Adaptive Repetition Strategies in IEEE 802.11bd V2X Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 8262-8266, June 2023.


[J22] L. Chiaraviglio et Al., “Measuring EMF and Throughput Before and After 5G Service Activation in a Residential Area,” IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 4, pp. 1179-1195, May 2023


[J21] Z. Wu, S. Bartoletti, V. Martinez, V. Todisco, A. Bazzi, “Analysis of co-channel coexistence mitigation methods applied to IEEE 802.11p and 5G NR-V2X sidelink,” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1–23, April 2023.


[J20] L. Chiaraviglio, C. Lodovisi, S. Bartoletti, A. Elzanaty and M. Slim-Alouini, "Dominance of Smartphone Exposure in 5G Mobile Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2284-2302, March 2023.


[J19] D. Orlando, S. Bartoletti, I. Palamà, G. Bianchi and N. B. Melazzi, “Innovative Attack Detection Solutions for Wireless Networks With Application to Location Security,” in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 205-219, Jan. 2023.


[J18] S. Bartoletti, Z. Liu, M. Z. Win and A. Conti, “Device-free Localization of Multiple Targets in Cluttered Environments,” in IEEE Trans. on Aerosp. and Electronic Syst., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 3906-3923, Oct. 2022.


[J17] A. Conti, F. Morselli, Z. Liu, S. Bartoletti, S. Mazuelas,W. C. Lindsey, and M. Z.Win, “Location Awareness in Beyond 5G Networks”, in IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 22-27, Nov. 2021.


[J16] S. Bartoletti et Al., “Positioning and Sensing for Vehicular Safety Applications in 5G and Beyond”, in IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 15-21, Nov. 2021.


[J15] V. Todisco, S. Bartoletti, C. Campolo, A. Molinaro, A. O. Berthet and A. Bazzi, “Performance Analysis of Sidelink 5G-V2X Mode 2 Through an Open-Source Simulator,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 145648-145661, Oct. 2021.


[J14] D. Giustiniano, G. Bianchi, A. Conti, S. Bartoletti, and N. Blefari-Melazzi, “5G and Beyond for Contact Tracing,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, to appear


[J13] S. Bartoletti et al., “Location-Based Analytics in 5G and Beyond,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 38-43, July 2021


[J12] D. Orlando, I. P. C, S. Bartoletti, G. Bianchi and N. B. Melazzi, Design and Experimental Assessment of Detection Schemes for Air Interface Attacks in Adverse Scenarios, in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, June 2021

[J11] S. Bartoletti, B. Masini, V. Martinez, I. Sarris, and A. Bazzi, “Impact of the Generation Interval on the Performance of Sidelink C-V2X Autonomous Mode” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 35121 - 35135, Feb. 2021


[J10] L. Chiaraviglio, S. Rossetti, S. Saida, S. Bartoletti and N. Blefari-Melazzi, “Pencil Beamforming Increases Human Exposure to ElectroMagnetic Fields”: True or False?," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 25158-25171, Feb. 2021.


[J9] A. Conti, S. Mazuelas, S. Bartoletti, W. C. Lindsey, and M. Z. Win, “Soft-information for Localization-of-things” Proc. of the IEEE,  vol. 107, no. 11, pp. 2240-2264, Nov. 2019.


[J8] S. Bartoletti, N. Decarli, D. Dardari, M. Chiani, and A. Conti, “Order-of-arrival of Tagged Objects” IEEE J. Radio Freq. Ident., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 185–193, Dec. 2018.


[J7] M. Z. Win, F. Meyer, Z. Liu, W. Dai, S. Bartoletti, and A. Conti, “Efficient Multi-Sensor Localization for the Internet-of-Things” IEEE J. Sig. Proc. Mag., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 153–167, Mar. 2018.

[J6] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win, “Threshold Profiling for Wideband Ranging” IEEE J. Sig. Proc. Lett., vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 873–877, Mar. 2018.

[J5] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win “Device-free Counting via Wideband Signals,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1163–1174, May 2017.


[J4] S. Bartoletti, A. Giorgetti, M. Z. Win, and A. Conti, “Blind selection of representative observations for sensor radar networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 157–160, Apr. 2015.


[J3] S. Bartoletti, W. Dai, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win, “A mathematical model for wideband ranging,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 216–228, Mar. 2015.


[J2] F. Guidi, N. Decarli, S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and D. Dardari, “Detection of multiple tags based on impulsive backscattered signals,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 3918–3930, Nov. 2014.


[J1] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, A. Giorgetti, and M. Z. Win, “Sensor radar networks for indoor tracking,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 157–160, Apr. 2014. 


Conference Proceedings

[C26] C. Campolo et al., “Enhancing the 5G-V2X Sidelink Autonomous Mode through Full-Duplex Capabilities,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf.: (VTC2022-Spring), Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.


[C25] I. Palamà, S. Bartoletti, G. Bianchi and N. B. Melazzi, “5G Positioning with SDR-based Open-source Platforms: Where do We Stand?,” IEEE 11th IFIP Int. Conf. on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wireless and Wired Networks (PEMWN), Rome, Italy, Nov. 2022.


[C24] S. Mignardi et al., “Optimizing Beam Selection and Resource Allocation in UAV-Aided Vehicular Networks,” Joint European Conf. on Net. and Commun. & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), Grenoble, France, June 2022.


[C23] S. Bartoletti, N. Decarli and B. M. Masini, “Sidelink 5G-V2X for Integrated Sensing and Communication: the Impact of Resource Allocation,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Commun. Workshops (ICC Workshops), Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 2022.


[C22] F. Morselli, S. Bartoletti, M. Z. Win and A. Conti, “Localization in 5G Ecosystem with Wi-Fi,” IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2021.


[C21] B. Mafakheri, S. Bartoletti, O. Semiari and A. Bazzi, “On the Performance of the IEEE 802.11p/bd Sensing Procedure Under Co-channel C-V2X Interference,” IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), 2021, pp. 1-6.


[C20] C. Campolo, V. Todisco, S. Bartoletti, A. Molinaro, A. Berthet, A. Bazzi, “Improving Resource Allocation for beyond 5G V2X Sidelink Connectivity”, in Proc. Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR 2021), Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2021, pp. 1–5 (invited paper).


[C19] S. Bartoletti, G. Bianchi, D. Orlando, I. Palam`a, and N. Blefari-Melazzi, 2021. “Location Security under Reference Signals’ Spoofing Attacks: Threat Model and Bounds,” in Proc. ACM Conf. on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021), Vienna, Austria, Aug. 2021, pp. 1–5.


[C18] F. Morselli, S. Bartoletti, M. Z. Win and A. Conti, “Localization in 5G Ecosystem with Wi-Fi,” 2021 IEEE 22nd InternationalWorkshop on Signal Processing Advances inWireless Communications (SPAWC), 2021, pp. 441–445.


[C17] N. Blefari-Melazzi, S. Bartoletti et Al., “LOCUS: Localization and analytics on-demand embedded in the 5G ecosystem,” 2020 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2020, pp. 170-175.


[C16] F. Morselli, S. Bartoletti, S. Mazuelas, M. Z. Win, and A. Conti “Crowd-Centric Counting via Unsupervised Learning,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC), Shanghai, China, May 2019, pp. 1–4.


[C15] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win, “Device-free Counting via OFDM Signals of Opportunity,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC), Kansas City, USA, May 2018, pp. 1–5.


[C14] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win, “Towards Counting via Passive Radar using OFDM Waveforms,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC), Paris, France, May 2017, pp. 803–808.


[C13] S. Bartoletti, N. Decarli, A. Guerra, F. Guidi, D. Dardari, and A. Conti, “Energy-based order of arrival estimation via UWB-UHF RFID,” in Proc. EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID), Oberaudorf, Germany, Oct. 2015, pp. 1–6. 


[C12] N. Decarli, et Al. , “The GRETA architecture for energy efficient radio identification and localization,” in Proc. EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID), Oberaudorf, Germany, Oct. 2015, pp. 1–8.


[C11] A. Bagni, A. Conti, S. Bartoletti, D. Menin, G. Sineri, C. Domenicali, V. Fornario, G. Garani, E. Ballardini, C. Borgna-Pignatti, and M. Dondi, “Clinical analysis of spontaneous startles in preterm neonates via sensor networks,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Med. Meas. Applic. (MEMEA), Benevento, Italy, May

2016, pp. 1–5.


[C10] S. Bartoletti, W. Dai, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win, “Wideband localization via range likelihood based on reduced dataset,” in Proc. IEEE Canadian Workshop on Inf. Theory, St. John’s, NL, Canada, Jul. 2015, Student Paper Award (first place).


[C9] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and M. Z. Win, “Passive radar via LTE signals of opportunity,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014, pp. 181–185.


[C8] S. Bartoletti, N. Decarli, A. Guerra, F. Guidi, D. Dardari, and A. Conti, “Order of arrival estimation via UHF-UWB RFID,” in Proc. IEEEWorkshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014, pp. 133–137.


[C7] S. Bartoletti, A. Giorgetti, and A. Conti, “Sensor radars with subset diversity,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013, pp. 32–36.


[C6] R. D’Errico, M. Bottazzi, F. Natali, E. Savioli, S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, D. Dardari, N. Decarli, F. Guidi, F. Dehmas, L. Ouvry, U. Alvarado, N. Hadaschik, C. Frankek, Z. Mhanna, M. Sacko, Y. Wei, and A. Sibille, “An UWB-UHF semi-passive RFID system for localization and tracking applications,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on RFID-Technology and Applications, Nice, France, Nov. 2012, pp. 18–23.


[C5] S. Bartoletti, A. Giorgetti, and A. Conti, “UWB sensor radar networks for indoor passive navigation,” in Proc. Tyrrhenian Int. Workshop on Adv. in Radar and Remote Sens., Naples, Italy, Sep. 2012, pp. 140–145.


[C4] S. Bartoletti, M. Guerra, and A. Conti, “UWB passive navigation in indoor environments,” in Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Applied Sci. in Biomed. and Commun. Technol., Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2011, pp. 1–5. 


[C3] S. Bartoletti and A. Conti, “Passive network localization via UWB wireless sensor radars: the impact of TOA estimation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Ultra-Wideband, Bologna, Italy, Sep. 2011, pp. 576–580.


[C2] S. Bartoletti et Al., “Quaternary prediction technique for MPEG video compression,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Software, Telecomm. and Computer Networks, Split, Croatia, Sep. 2010, pp. 1–4.


[C1] S. Bartoletti, A. Conti, and A. Giorgetti, “Analysis of UWB radar sensor networks,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010, pp. 1–6.


[P1] M. Z. Win, S. Bartoletti, W. Dai, and A. Conti, “Wideband ranging system,” U.S. Utility Patent Application US 2018/0 356 494 A1, Grant Patent Published on July 7, 2020 .




Research Projects


LOCUS - Localization and Analytics on Demand Embedded in the 5G Ecosystem

November 2019 - October 2022


Context-awareness is essential for many existing and emerging applications. Context information greatly relies on location information of people and things. But, navigation satellite systems are denied in indoor environments, current cellular systems fail to provide high-accuracy localization, other local localization technologies (e.g. WI-FI or BT) imply high deployment/maintenance/integration costs. Raw spatiotemporal data are not sufficient by themselves and need to be integrated with tools for the analysis of the behaviour of physical targets, to extract relevant feature of interests.
LOCUS will improve the functionality of 5G infrastructures to: i) provide accurate and ubiquitous location information as a network-native service and ii) derive more complex features and behavioural patterns out of raw location and physical events, and expose them to applications via simple interfaces. Localization, together with analytics, and their combined provision “as a service”, will greatly increase the overall value of the 5G ecosystem, allowing network operators to better manage their networks and to dramatically expand the range of offered applications and services. The current freedom to act on 5G system design and availability of software network paradigms and AI techniques uniquely combine in this historical moment to make it possible to radically improve the future network by endowing it with accurate on-demand localization and analytics.
LOCUS will showcase its solutions in three scenarios: Smart Network Management based on Location Information of 5G equipment; Network-assisted Self-driving Objects; People Mobility & Flow Monitoring, including emergency services.
The LOCUS consortium gathers a diverse blend of high-profile partners from Telco and IT industries that can make its vision a reality. LOCUS will be an enabler of a myriad of applications for the 5G ecosystem and beyond, boosting vertical industries and creating new business opportunities also for telcos.





PATH - PAssive Tracking of people and things for physical beHavior analysis

Horizon 2020 - MSCA Global Fellowship 
MIT and University of Ferrara

June 2016 - May 2019


The main goal of PATH  is to define a new paradigm for the behavior analysis of physical targets (e.g., people and things), by tracking their positions and dynamics with minimal implementation cost, maximal privacy preservation, and intrinsic secrecy protection. Without relying on any targets’ device and without deploying any dedicated wireless source, PATH enables the detection, localization, and tracking of targets that do not participate in the localization process and integrates such capabilities in infrastructures for the Internet of things. This is essential for several applications relying on behavior analysis, such as crowd counting and flow monitoring. The objectives of PATH are: (i) to develop a framework for system design and analysis, as well as to derive fundamental limits; (ii) to devise advanced techniques for detection and exploitation of networks of opportunity (i.e., networks not intended for localization and covering the operating environment); (iii) to develop inference techniques based on wireless networks properties for intrinsically secure tracking; (iv) to recognize new patterns related to targets dynamics based on signal feature extraction; (v) to establish a proof-of-concept for an industrial-driven use case.








GRETA - GREen TAgs and sensors with ultrawideband identification and localization capabilities

Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research PRIN 



GRETA aims at studying a distributed system for identification, localization, tracking and monitoring in IoT indoor scenarios, where the tags are:


  1. localizable with sub-meter precision even in indoor scenarios ⇒ ultra-wideband (UWB) localization techniques

  2. without batteries ⇒ energy harvesting + passive backscattering transmission

  3. made with recyclable materials, to be integrated in goods, clothes and packing ⇒ “green electronics” with recyclable, possibly organic materials






SELECT Smart and Efficient Location, Identification, and Cooperation Techniques

EU Framework Programme FP7 



The objective of the SELECT project is the design of a cheap smart wireless network, composed of several wireless cooperating microsystems where the detection, identification, and tracking of objects are integrated, going beyond the limitation of the existing techniques for automatic identification (AutoID) and Real Time Location Systems (RTLS). Limitations are for instance, the unavailability of location systems for semi-passive tags, inflexible, cabled network structures of RTLS, the missing compatibility to prior systems and the missing unification of the above functionalities. Envisioned technologies to overcome these limitations include radio frequency identification (RFID), ultra-wideband (UWB) radio and radar as well as up to date data fusion.
The focus of SELECT is in the area of intelligent transportation and intelligent manufacturing and, in particular, the Supply Chain Management (SCM), that involves the transportation of goods outside and inside the manufacturing facilities. The objective of SELECT is to offer a radical new approach to address some important needs in this area.

© 2017 By Stefania Bartoletti

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